Saturday, August 7, 2010

Clever Clever Romans

The Romans were a damn smart group of people. They built massive cities full of extremely modern architecture and engineering. They understood the stars, they were learned in language/politics/literature, they used plumbing for goodness sake! And they were so intelligent about where they put their shit.

The hill in Lincoln. A hill like many others, it's high, it has a good view from the top, when rain falls on it...the water rolls down. However, this hill is so good, when the Romans came to town what a thousand years ago, they looked at this hill and thought " Ain't nobody gonna mess with us up there", and so they built temples, an arena, government offices, etc. up there. And from then on the Hill was where it's at. Today yes, there's the Castle and the Cathedral (so so so nice), there's also a pub district because like the Romans pub owners are smart and they know that if people are doing a pub crawl around Lincoln, if they walk up the hill they'll be sober by the top therefore able to drink more when they get there.

There's also a nice sweet shop on a road up the hill, reminscent of Burty Bots (sp?) from Harry Potter. It's so small my friend Emma's boyfriend Sean and I had to que up outside. It's possible the store could only hold about 5 people max. 5 people all trying to gawk at the wondrous Toffies.

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